A bit about the artist:
I (he/him/they/them) was born and raised and am currently based in Los Angeles. I have been passionate about image-making and spirituality since childhood.
By day, I am a lawyer in the video-games industry. I have two cats, Lulu & Oliver, who are better at magick than I am. I also live with three dogs, because why not.
I come from a family of refugees from Viet Nam, and I bear the marks of being the oldest child of refugee parents.
With respect to my spiritual background:
I am an Adept within the tradition of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, specifically the California-based off-shoot called the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn.
I am a practitioner of Vajrayana, primarily within the Sakya school. My core sadhanas are for Avalokiteshvara / Quan Âm and White Mahakala.
I have been deeply influenced by the curandería and brujería of the predominantly L.A. Chicane community in which I grew up and still call home.
My main praxis these days focuses on the Papyri Graecae Magicae (PGM) and Hekatean devotion grounded in that PGM framework. I also have key devotional practices to Hermes and the Saturnine deity.